Frosch without microplastic

Secondary microplastic Out of sight, not out of mind Secondary microplastic can be prevented only if the flood of waste into the oceans is stopped. At some point, the marine litter from countries in Europe alone disintegrates to yield millions of tons of microplastic. The problem is enormous even though we cannot see the tiny little pieces of plastic. According to new studies, a large portion of plastic litter, weighed down by algae or microorgan­ isms, and ends up as microplastic in the deep sea. So it is out of our sight, but still in the world’s oceans.* The solution is on land To prevent large quantities of plastic from collecting in the oceans year after year, attitudes have to change on land. Doing without microplastic Pioneering achievements from Frosch Many manufacturers of cosmetics, detergents and clean­ ing products use microplastic despite the well-known side effects. Werner & Mertz shows with its Frosch brand that microplastic is not necessary! Present around the globe Microplastic can be found in all regions of the Earth, from the permafrost to a depth of 3500 me- ters in the Mediterranean. Fish, shellfish and other forms of marine life that swallow such particles excrete only some of the microplastic. The rest, which is frequently accompanied by hazardous material or environmental toxins, remains con- centrated in the organisms. The thought of being served such seafood and ingesting that material is enough to ruin one‘s appetite. For the sake of the world‘s oceans, the entire Frosch prod­ uct range makes full use of its cleaning power and care effect without microplastic! * kationen/texte_63_2015_quellen_fuer_mikroplastik_mit_relevanz_fuer_ den_meeresschutz_1.pdf